This is a QuoteG tutorial video for garage business users. QuoteG users will send you requests to ask for quotes for services you provide such as new tyres or general repairs if you are an active member.
Learn how to view and respond to car repair quote requests from users in QuoteG Garage Quotes App.
Steps To Take:
1 – We have previously sent you your login details. Please download the app, login and make sure your profile is complete and correct.
2 – Add to your email platfroms address book to avoid our emails getting lost or sent to your junk mail.
3 – Make sure your email is valid and upto date on your profile (if not please contact us to update it)
4 – Keep an eye out for emails and notifications from
5 – Watch the video below which show you how to use the app:
Dont forget to subscribe to our channel..
Download the app on iPhone or Android:
QuoteG is a mobile app service that helps you find car repairs quotes and more.
Browse the business directory, special offers and more. If you are a business sign up today and claim your free trial membership of Upto 6 months.